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HZERO Museum

8.4 / 10

HZERO is an immersive museum experience exploring the world of trains. HZERO hosts a 280 square meter railway model, one of the largest in Europe: a playful and architectural creation of great craftsmanship conceived by Giuseppe Paternò Castello di San Giuliano and built in over forty years of passionate work. The museum is located within the halls of the old Ariston movie theatre with an immersive project developed by Alberto Salvadori, which aims to engage with visitors from all ages and to stimulate their senses. Continua a leggere

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HZERO Museum Punteggio di successo:
8.4 / 10
  Questo punteggio é basato sul numero di visitatori, check in, e "Mi piace" su Facebook negli ultimi mesi.
La maggior attività di febbraio:
HZERO Museum ha un totale di 914 visitatori (check in) e 18173 likes.